Friday, August 12, 2011

Back to the Beginning

"Be willing to be a beginner every single morning". ~ Meister Eckhart

Do you remember how you felt the day that you went on that first date with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Was it a day full of excitement and giddiness? Did you check yourself out in the mirror a thousand times to make sure that your hair, your makeup & your outfit were just right? I'll assume that day or night went well for the both of you since you're still together today. Chances are, the first few months were great. You were learning more about eachother every day and couldn't wait to see or hear from eachother again. You were simply smitten. Eventually, comfort and routine probably set in. You stopped primping yourself up to impress your lover and now that you feel secure in your relationship, you've started to put your focus on other things. Maybe you have kids now or a job that takes up a lot of time & drains you mentally and physically.

Now is the time to take a step back and evaluate your relationship. Are you happy? Do you think your lover is happy? Are you putting your lover and his or her needs at the top of your priority list? To bring back the spark in your life, you need to rearrange that list and put your spouse at position #1. Make sure you dedicate time for him or her every day to show them that you still love them and that they are your top priority. If you want this to be a lifelong relationship, you need to keep the spark going. Remember all of the things that you did in the beginning and start doing them again. Get dolled up and have date nights as often as possible. Write him or her love notes. Bring him or her flowers. Call just to say hi. Throw out the old flannel pajamas & get some new silk and lace goodies. Light some candles and slow dance.

Regular old life can creep in without you noticing it. Ditch your daily routines & have fun creating new and exciting things to help you and your lover fall in love all over again. Everyone needs a fresh start once in a while. I am no exception. This is something that I am working on myself. :)

Feel free to share with me the new things that you and your better half are doing so we can all help eachother!

"The beginning is the most important part of the work". ~ Plato

1 comment:

  1. What an uplifting blog.You've created a wonderful spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
