Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It's not about doing things 50/50..

People always say "a relationship should be 50/50 between partners". But why?? The phrase I agree with more completely is "a relationship should be 100/100, each partner giving 100%". Which do you prefer?

Hubby and I have hit some rough patches in our 6 years together. Many times we will argue over the dumbest little things because neither of us want to give in. We each want to be the correct one. We each want to "come out ahead" in the race (aka argument). But when you sit back and look at it when you're not in the heat of an argument, you realize that it's not a race. You don't have to be the only one to come out ahead. If you're in a relationship, you BOTH need to come out ahead... TOGETHER.

Lately my hubby and I have pretty much been on the same page. We're both trying to keep the arguments on the sidelines and make the relationship a happy one. The other day he told me that he came to a realization that if he really wants to keep me in his life, he needs to treat me like a queen and make me happy so I actually WANT to be around. I mean really.. who wants a crazy hectic life, only to come home to a tense situation? No one does! He has been taking initiative a lot lately and it's really been helping me out. I need to work on saying thank you and showing him how appreciative I am of what he's doing. All relationships need a little more appreciation. We all want to feel appreciated. I urge all of you do thank your significant other for something today. At least one thing, even if it's something they always do. Let them know that you notice & that it makes you happy. Making you happy makes them happy. I PROMISE. :)

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